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Enlisted man in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2021-06-30Updated:2021-06-30
Similar words: enlistedunlistedenlistenlist inenlistingenlistmentregistered mailred manMeaning: n. a male enlisted person in the armed forces. 
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1. The case against the enlisted man was dropped.
2. The enlisted men understood the flanking movement.
3. But since December, when army enlisted men overthrew the elected government and installed Gen.
4. Alek wanted details, names of officers and enlisted men, the configuration of the room.
5. When things go wrong, the officers usually do the investigating and the enlisted men usually take the blame.
6. I had a very good relationship with my officers and my enlisted men.
7. In that experiment 19 enlisted men were repeatedly tested over a period of six weeks.
8. Beyond the group of shirted enlisted men, I could see the wooden legs of a map tripod through the tent door.
9. The size of the army was drastically reduced to 273 officers and 9, 999 enlisted men.
10. Did he really think that abstention by the officers would influence the enlisted men?
11. He slapped an enlisted man.
12. There were angles to being an enlisted man.
13. His job description: togglier -- an enlisted man doing a job similar to a bombardier's,[] but less complicated.
14. An enlisted man in the U.S. Navy engaged in the operation of engineering machinery.
15. If it weren't a waste of a fine enlisted man I'd recommend you for OCS!
16. Smith admits he did wrong by committing adultery with the wife of a Marine sergeant, while the enlisted man was overseas.
17. In fact, gremlin is first recorded only in the 1920's, as a Royal Air Force term for a low-ranking officer or enlisted man saddled with oppressive assignments.
18. One of the soldiers was Jerry Wilson, 45, of Thomson, Ga., the 101st's command sergeant major, meaning he was the unit's senior enlisted man.
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